Monday, July 13, 2009

Allergy Testing Time

Ugh, have had allergies ( too many to list) all my life....and it's been 12-15 years since I had a battery of skin tests done to see which ones I'm still allergic to. So, I have decided it'd be best if I did it again. Not fun. I hate being allergic!!


  1. Following you from MBC! You can find me at

  2. Good luck, here's to hoping that there won't be any new ones!

    p.s. following you from MBC Under 100!

  3. Hi there, How did the test go? I have so many allergies it's not funny! Following from MBC! Nice to meet you!

  4. Oh, I feel your pain! I'm actually up for the dreaded "skin-prick" test myself in the next few weeks - not looking forward to it at all!

    Just wandering through via the MBC. It's nice to "meet" you!

    (BTW, I am now following you - hope you don't mind!)


  5. I had those tests done when I was like 12! Recently my son had a reaction to shrimp and did the tests on him too.. not fun! lol

  6. Love the title of your blog:)

    following you from MBC follow me club:)


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